Friday, May 2, 2014

Mining PEW - How Teens Do Research in the Digital World

Buchanan, J., Chen, C., Friedrick, L., Heaps, A., Jacklin, A., Purcell, K., Rainie, L., & Zickuhr, K. (2012, November 1). How Teens Do Research in the Digital World. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. 

In the articles, I have learned that students are "self-sufficient researchers" when in comes to surfing the internet. I also found interesting that a large percentages of teachers felt their student could access the information that they need quickly. The study also found that a majority of teacher felt the internet and technology, in general, made it hard for students to find credible resources and that a class should be offered that focuses on digital literacy. 

One statement made an impression on me, it say 87% of technology is created for users with a short attention span.  It is so true! I think of all of the social media website and Google. My student want the information now and they do not want to wait. I have also noticed they want everything to be given to them without putting any afford into the work. They rather copy off of another student than looking for the information themselves. When I have done research projects, I also tell my students to find website that cannot be edited my a random person, like Wikipedia.  

I thought it was interesting that the research was on teachers who teacher AP and NWP.  I wish they would have compared that number to students who are taking regular education classes. At my campus, we have about 25% of the taking advanced classes and it would have been interested to see if the numbers would compare. 

115 pages out of 150

Mining PEW - Cell Internet Use

Duggan, M. & Smith, A. (2013, September 16). Cell Internet Use 2013. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

In the article, I have learned that a large percentage, 63%, of cell phone owners are using their phones to access the internet.  I also learned that education and income play a factor in the cell phone internet usage.  Individuals with a high school diploma and that make less than 35, 00, tend to use their phones more to access the internet.  I wondered why that was the case.  I find myself using my phone to Google something. Then I thought, maybe this population cannot afford a computer or a internet provider.

I feel like the study was incorrect in say that individuals with higher education do not access the internet on their phone as much then individuals with a high school diploma. I feel the number is much higher because they study states that 91% of American own a cell phone. I do not feel the numbers match.

15 pages out of 150

Mining PEW - Teens, Smartphones and Texting

Lenhart, Amanda. (2012, March 19). Teens, Smartphones & Texting. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

In the article, I have learned that teens are using their smartphones to communicate with others, through text messages, more than making phone calls. Males and African - Americans are leading the way. There is a correlation between teens that send text messages and those who talk on the phone. In the survey, about one fourth of teens who have smartphones also have parents who hold a higher education degree. 

It was interesting to see that one of out twenty teens are "checking in" through social media outlets like Twitter. I thought the number would be higher especially at a younger age than 17 years old. I feel teens are unable to have real conversations because they are used to texting.  I have noticed a lot of my students are "text writing" and are unable to spell simple words like are.  

34 pages out of 150

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Final Reflection

In my final reflection, I can truly say that I have enjoyed this class and learned so much. I have learned that technology can be a teacher's best friend!

Some of my favorite assignments were Word Clouds, Mind Mapping, and Playing with Words. I enjoyed these websites because it was a creative outlet yet I felt like I learned something. Also, I could see myself incorporating the websites into my lesson. I found Screencast a difficult and frustrating assignment because Screenr did not want to download onto my laptop and computer.

As a science teacher, I try to integrate concept maps into my lessons because I feel it helps the students organize their thoughts and make connections. I felt the Mind Mapping websites were beneficial to my students because they can make their own connections to the concepts and it helps them communicate their thoughts. I also liked Playing with Words websites because it allows the students to summarized their thoughts and displays them creativity. I thought about having the students print out their work and displaying them.

Thank you Dr. Perry for your guidance and allowing me to be creative!